Dinosaural Cogmeister


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“It’s My Gain Masterpiece”: Pedal Guru Dan Coggins Reveals the Secrets Behind His New Dinosaural Cogmeister.

A legend in the stompbox world, Dan Coggins is best known for his groundbreaking Lovetone circuit designs that heralded the start of the 1990s boutique pedal boom. Lovetone’s Meatball, Big Cheese, Brown Source, Cheese Source, Doppelganger, Wobulator, Ring Stinger, and ?/Flange With No Name have since become collectible modern classics, while Dan’s Dinosaural pedals – the brand he started up in 2002 – such as the Tube Bender have also become sought after.

After taking a break from pedal building in 2008, Dan started making Dinosaural pedals again in 2012, at which point a stompbox-obsessed customer by the name of Adrian Thorpe decided to get in touch. Aside from ordering a new Dinosaural compressor, Adrian was also keen to talk about launching his own operation. Now one of the U.K.’s most prominent pedal brands, the fledgling builder would soon become known as ThorpyFX.

“As he was just down the road, I suggested we meet up so I could give him his new Dinosaural OTC-201 Opti Compressor,” recalls Dan. “We got chatting and he mentioned he was thinking about starting his own pedal company. I gave him as much advice as I could. I was involved with ThorpyFX from day one and assisted with things like printed circuit boards. I got involved with designing circuits a few years later and in 2020 started working for Thorpy full time.”


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Guitarplayer.com article